Boston REIA Special Offer – Wholesaling Course – 2 payments


In this amazing product, “Wholesaling: Investing in Real Estate without Cash or Credit”, Scott and Andy make the wholesaling process simple for new and seasoned investors. Follow these 6 simple steps laid out by Scott and Andy, and you will be able to set up a successful wholesaling business in your community. Trouble finding buyers….no problem as Scott and Andy tell you not only where to find them, but how to approach them, pre-qualify them, and how to win their confidence even if you are just getting started yourself. Scott and Andy walk you through how to wholesale bank-owned properties when at first the bank is not offering the property subject to assignment. Included are the documents you will need for your wholesaling business, as well as an easy to follow workbook as you work through the 6 wholesaling steps. Learn more about our Regular Riches Guarantee – Conditional ONE YEAR Money Back Guarantee

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