Partners & Resources

Recommended Reading

  • Buy Low, Rent Smart, Sell High:  Frank/Heller purchase now
  • Buy Even Lower Frank/Heller purchase now
  • Flipping Properties:  Bronchick/Dahlstrom
  • Profit by Investing in Real Estate Tax Liens: Loftis
  • 2 Years to a Million in Real Estate: Martinez purchase now
  • Secrets of a Millionaire Real Estate Investor: Shemin


Resources for Investor Loans

Pre-foreclosure Compilation Services

National Lists:

Regional/State Lists:
Equity Depot


Regular Riches LLC is providing students potential resources that offer key services/needs for investors.   Every student is expected to do their own due diligence in determining if these companies are a good fit for their investing needs. Regular Riches is not providing investment advice or recommending resources. By using any of these resources, the student releases and disclaims Regular Riches from any liabilities. 

Student Support Library

Daren Blomquist from discussing Buying REOs

Our original book:
Buy Low, Rent Smart, Sell High: Real Estate Investing for the Long Run Paperback

by Andy Heller (Author), Scott Frank (Author)

Our follow up book:
Buy Even Lower Paperback

by Andy Heller (Author), Scott Frank (Author)